* A small program to split files in several protions with a defined
* size or number and join them together again.
* Version 1.0 on 18-Oct-1993 Fully reliable version.
* Version 1.1 on 18-Oct-1993 Replaced fclose()/fopen() by rewind().
* Usage: Splitter <file> [-j] [-p n] [-s n]
* -f the file to split
* -j join, not split
* -p how much portions to make
* -s how large to make each portion
* DISCLAIMER: As usual, I can't take any responsibility for anything
* that might happen to you or your computer when you use
* this program.
* This is freeware, i.e. you may give this program to anyone you like
* and upload it to any mailbox, bulletin board or software server as
* long as you leave this file as it is. If you have suggestions on how
* to advance the reliability or funtionality of this program, feel free
* to do it (and, please, send it to me). But you may not use this code
* for anything commercial.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define info "\nSplitter V1.0 on 10/18/1993\n(c)1993 by Martin Schlodder\n\nUsage: Splitter <file> [-j] [-p n] [-s n]\n -f the file to split\n -j join, not split\n -p how much portions to make\n -s how large to make each portion\n\nAddress:\n Martin Schlodder\n Uhlandstr. 18\n D 72336 Balingen\n\nInternet:\n schlodder@student.uni-tuebingen.de\n"
#define nofile "Please give me a file to work on."
#define noarg "Choose one of -p or -s to select either the number of portions to\nbuild or the maximum size of each portion."
#define errinarg "Give an option in the form of '-p 7' or '-s880000'."
#define wrongfile "Couldn't open file."
#define wrongarg "This option is not known to Splitter"